2017/2018 WAEC Biology Practical Specimen/ANSWERS
*Biology Specimens*GROUP I
A- Winged termite
B- Maggot
C- Adult butterfly with open wings
D- Caterpillar
E- Grasshopper
F- Carrot with leaves attached
G- Irish potato
H- Adult mosquito
J- Adult cockroach
Group II
K- Euphorbia
L- Crab
M- Cat fish
N -Periwinkle in its shell
P- Shell of a land snail
Q- Housefly
R- Earthworm
S- Cross section of unripe mango fruit
T- Cross section of tomato fruit
NB: Specimen K,L,M,N,P are peculiar to candidates in Ghana only and should not be provided to for candidate in Nigeria , Sierra Leone and The Gambia
i)They have segmented bodies
ii)Their bodies are divided into head, thorax and abdomen
iii)They have jointed appendages
iv)They have exoskeletons
i)It has wings
ii)It has jointed legs
iii)It has antennae
iv)It does not have clasper
i)It does not have wings
ii)It does not have jointed legs
iii)It does not have antennae
iv)It has clasper
i)the antennae are not segmented
ii)The eyes are smaller
iii)It has labial palpsk
i)The antennae are segmented
ii)The eyes are larger
They are both insects
i)leaf of a plant
i)possession of spiracle for breathing
ii)possession of hooks for attachment
2 ai )
i ) Carrot is good source of vitamin .
ii ) It is a source of diet that improve vision
iii ) it is used in production of juice
2 aii )
i ) It is a good source of carbohydrates
ii ) It supplies Energy
iii ) It serve as primary producer for heterotrophs
i ) Carrot is good source of vitamin .
ii ) It is a source of diet that improve vision
iii ) it is used in production of juice
2 aii )
i ) It is a good source of carbohydrates
ii ) It supplies Energy
iii ) It serve as primary producer for heterotrophs
F - Is a root & tuber
G - is a stem & tuber
2bii) Specimen F
- it has an adventitious root
- it has bud at the base
Specimen G
- It has some bud on its surface
- it is a swollen end of of a special underground plant.
H - Class is Insecta
J - Class is insecta
Different btw H & J
Specimen H
- it has proboscis
- it is smaller than J
- it feed on blood
- it has no color
- It has Labrirum
- It is Larger
- it feed on abandon food
- it is dark brown
Q2c) You are to draw a table, the difference between H and J
- They both has wing
- They are both active in the night
- They both breadth with aid of trachea system
- The body is divided into head thorax & abdomen
H - as proboscis for sacking blood
J - It as Labrirum for bitting & chewing.
- has a pair of antenna for preserving food
- Has a bitting& chewing mouth part.
F - Is a root & tuber
G - is a stem & tuber
2bii) Specimen F
- it has an adventitious root
- it has bud at the base
Specimen G
- It has some bud on its surface
- it is a swollen end of of a special underground plant.
H - Class is Insecta
J - Class is insecta
Different btw H & J
Specimen H
- it has proboscis
- it is smaller than J
- it feed on blood
- it has no color
- It has Labrirum
- It is Larger
- it feed on abandon food
- it is dark brown
Q2c) You are to draw a table, the difference between H and J
- They both has wing
- They are both active in the night
- They both breadth with aid of trachea system
- The body is divided into head thorax & abdomen
H - as proboscis for sacking blood
J - It as Labrirum for bitting & chewing.
- has a pair of antenna for preserving food
- Has a bitting& chewing mouth part.
(i)Body is elongated and vermiform.
(ii)It has segmented body
(i)Their streamlined shape allows them to burrow through soil.
(ii)They have no skeletons or other rigid structures to interfere with their movement.
(i) they improve the fertility of soil in different ways.and therefore they are important in agriculture
(ii) they also reduced the the alkalinity and acidity of the soil to provide better conditions for plant growth.
(iii) they are used for bait and food as bait they used it in catching fish
(i)Body is elongated and vermiform.
(ii)It has segmented body
(i)Their streamlined shape allows them to burrow through soil.
(ii)They have no skeletons or other rigid structures to interfere with their movement.
(i) they improve the fertility of soil in different ways.and therefore they are important in agriculture
(ii) they also reduced the the alkalinity and acidity of the soil to provide better conditions for plant growth.
(iii) they are used for bait and food as bait they used it in catching fish
S - Drupe
T - Berry
Specimen S
-The seed is not many
-It has seed chamber
-It has oval shape
-It has no sepal attached
Specimen T
-The seeds are many
-It does not have seed chamber
-It has a spherical shape
-It has sepal attached
-They both have succulent mesocarp
-They both have thin epicarp
-They both have seeds
-They both have endocarp
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